RA_LS146 Raleigh, NC Wed Jul 24, 2019 USDA-NC Dept of Ag Market News ***This report reflects prices of the majority of cattle with a USDA grade, weight, and sex on this sale date. This report does not represent all animals at the sale on this date.*** Cleveland County Agr & Lstk Exchange, Shelby, NC Weighted Average Auction Report Tuesday Jul 23, 2019 Cattle Receipts: 385 Last Week: 575 Last Year: 343 Compared to last week, slaughter and feeder cattle were mostly steady. Moderate demand and buyer activity with light offerings. Quality of cattle plain to average. Slaughter cows made up 16 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 2 percent, replacement cows 5 percent, other cows 0 percent, and feeders 77 percent. The feeder supply included 32 percent steers, 38 percent heifers, and 30 percent bulls. Near 16 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs. (Figures in parentheses are weighted average weights and prices for each category) Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1-2 255-290 lbs (273) 153.00-157.50 (155.11); 305- 325 lbs (315) 145.00-171.00 (154.67); 365-385 lbs (375) 140.00-146.00 (143.32); 515- 525 lbs (520) 135.00-136.00 (135.50); 550-585 lbs (573) 128.00-136.00 (130.72); 585- 590 lbs fleshy (588) 120.00-125.00 (122.49); 600-635 lbs (617) 127.00-130.00 (128.36). Small 1-2 350-350 lbs thin (350) 90.00 (90.00); 430-445 lbs (438) 103.00- 113.00 (107.91); 500-545 lbs (523) 110.00-114.00 (111.91); 555-585 lbs (567) 111.00- 116.00 (114.04). Medium 2 280-280 lbs (280) 125.00 (125.00); 335-335 lbs (335) 125.00-138.00 (131.50); 365-375 lbs (370) 122.50-135.00 (128.56); 425-440 lbs (433) 126.00-133.00 (129.83); 450-480 lbs (466) 126.00-137.00 (130.42); 505-525 lbs (515) 121.00-127.00 (123.19); 622-622 lbs (622) 123.00 (123.00). Medium and Large 3 310- 310 lbs (310) 115.00-120.00 (117.50). Holstein Large 3 475-490 lbs (483) 50.00-65.00 (57.38). Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1-2 252-270 lbs (258) 130.00-133.00 (131.05); 315-320 lbs (318) 135.00-136.00 (135.50). Small 1-2 370-395 lbs (384) 110.00-120.00 (114.56); 425-435 lbs (431) 102.50-115.00 (109.99); 460-490 lbs (476) 106.00-117.00 (111.56); 500-520 lbs (505) 109.00-116.00 (112.68); 505-530 lbs fleshy (518) 98.00- 100.00 (98.98); 550-580 lbs (568) 104.00-112.00 (109.25); 615-630 lbs (621) 102.00- 111.00 (108.50). Medium 2 265-295 lbs (280) 120.00-125.00 (122.63); 305-315 lbs (308) 122.50-125.00 (123.35); 360-395 lbs (378) 121.00-128.00 (125.13); 400-445 lbs (424) 118.00-126.00 (121.47); 470-490 lbs (477) 119.00-123.00 (120.31); 482-482 lbs thin (482) 94.00 (94.00); 500-545 lbs (514) 115.00-122.00 (118.13). Medium and Large 3 405-425 lbs (418) 105.00-115.00 (111.27); 465-485 lbs (472) 105.00-110.00 (108.01); 515-540 lbs (525) 103.00-114.00 (108.74). Feeder Bulls: Medium and Large 1-2 400-435 lbs (415) 127.00-130.00 (128.76); 455- 455 lbs (455) 130.00 (130.00); 522-522 lbs (522) 128.00 (128.00); 560-595 lbs (578) 127.00-128.00 (127.32). Small 1-2 400-435 lbs (415) 112.50-120.00 (117.62); 450-475 lbs (463) 105.00-109.00 (106.95); 500-545 lbs (518) 117.00-120.00 (119.04); 505-545 lbs fleshy (532) 90.00-100.00 (96.15); 600-645 lbs (623) 111.00-116.00 (113.61); 655- 690 lbs (672) 107.00-116.00 (111.62); 700-745 lbs (717) 107.00-114.00 (111.25). Medium 2 405-435 lbs (418) 122.50-128.00 (125.34); 455-465 lbs (460) 122.50-127.00 (124.73); 505-520 lbs (515) 122.00-126.00 (124.36); 550-595 lbs (577) 118.00-125.00 (122.73); 600-635 lbs (618) 120.00-122.00 (121.41); 710-735 lbs (725) 111.00-120.00 (116.30). Medium and Large 3 535-545 lbs (540) 110.00-111.00 (110.50); 605-635 lbs (620) 110.00-111.00 (110.51). Bred Cows: Small 1-2 Middle Aged 805-885 lbs (845) 350.00-460.00 per head 4-6 months bred (401.74). Slaughter Cows: Boner 80-85 percent lean 835-890 lbs (863) 56.00-58.00 (57.03); 940-1360 lbs (1120) 56.00-67.00 (62.36); 980-1390 lbs high dressing (1223) 68.00- 71.00 (69.16); 1440-1865 lbs (1627) 59.00-66.00 (63.03). Lean 85-90 percent lean 630-780 lbs low dressing (710) 35.00-40.00 (38.52); 845-1365 lbs (1030) 45.00-54.00 (50.36). Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1-2 1595-1660 lbs (1632) 82.00-90.00 (85.61). Cows/Calf Pairs: (7) Small 1 and 2 505-840 lbs middle age cows with 165-380 lbs calves 620.00-900.00 per pair. Medium 1 and 2 975 lbs middle age cows with 150 lbs calves 610.00 per pair. Large 1 and 2 1105-1240 lbs middle age cows with 170-355 lbs calves 1000.00-1200.00 per pair. Baby Calves, per head: Holsteins 10.00-45.00. Source: NC Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Raleigh, NC 919-707-3154 http://www.ncagr.gov/markets/mktnews/RA_LS146.txt