LR_GR210 Little Rock, AR Tue Nov 5, 2019 USDA-AR Agriculture Dept Memphis Weekly Feed Report Wholesale prices, dollars per ton, bulk, rail or truck fob Memphis and Eastern Arkansas areas unless otherwise stated. *Prices compared to two weeks ago. Soybean Meal 48% sol (0 +22 Dec) 302.70-324.70 dn 0.30 Cottonseed Meal 41 pct solvent 210.00-220.00 unch up 5.00 Whole Cottonseed 185.00 unch Soybean Hulls 120.00 up 5.00 Rice Bran Arkansas 85.00-100.00 unch Louisiana 120.00-130.00 unch dn 10.00 Texas 90.00-120.00 unch Rice Millfeed Arkansas 40.00 unch Louisiana 40.00 unch Texas 40.00 unch Rice Hulls Arkansas 5.00-10.00 unch Louisiana 5.00 unch Texas 5.00 unch Source: USDA- AR Agriculture Dept, Little Rock, AR Heather Riley, 501-823-1743 2:00 PM hr