MIAMI Terminal Prices as of 28-JAN-2020 Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News Federal - State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (305) 373-2955 Fax: (305) 373-3562 MH_FV056 Weather at 7.00 a.m.A Few Clouds:65 Yesterday's High:76 MISC TROPICAL FRUIT AND VEG ---ALOE LEAVES: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 27 lb cartons MX 14.00-15.00 cartons FL 13.00-15.00 (18s) 10.00-11.00 (12s) ---BATATAS: OFFERINGS FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 40 lb sacks FL med-lge 33.00-36.00 mostly 33.00-35.00 occas higher and lower 50 lb cartons FL fr qual 20.00-23.00 mostly 20.00-22.00 (irregular size packed in banana cartons) ---BREADFRUIT: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 40 lb cartons DR 23.00-26.00 40 lb sacks DR 23.00-26.00 ---CALABAZA: OFFERINGS FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 40 lb sacks CR 16.00-19.00 occas higher and lower FL 13.00-15.00 occas higher and lower ---CHAYOTE: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 40 lb cartons CR 11.00-16.00 mostly 11.00-15.00 occas higher MX 10.00-15.00 mostly 10.00-14.00 occas higher ---COCONUTS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 65-70 lb sacks DR Dry 40s 32.00-33.00 occas higher and lower 24 inch bins FL Water 10s 14.00-15.00 occas higher and lower ---GINGER ROOT: OFFERINGS FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 30 lb cartons CQ 25.00-29.00 mostly 25.00-28.00 occas higher and lower CR 26.00-28.00 occas higher and lower EC 22.00-26.00 mostly 22.00-25.00 occas higher and lower ---JICAMA: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 38-40 lb containers MX 23.00-24.00 occas higher ---MALANGA: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 40 lb cartons CR Lila lge 27.00-32.00 mostly 27.00-31.00 occas higher and lower EC Blanca sml fr qual 19.00-22.00 mostly 19.00-21.00 occas higher and lower lge 25.00-29.00 mostly 25.00-28.00 occas higher and lower Lila lge 27.00-32.00 mostly 27.00-31.00 ---RAMBUTAN: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 5 lb cartons HD 18.00-20.00 occas higher and lower ---SUGARCANE: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 50 lb bundles FL bchd 10s 9.00-12.00 occas higher and lower Red bchd 10s 11.00-14.00 occas higher and lower ---TAMARINDO: OFFERINGS LIGHT. 25 lb cartons loose MX 50.00-52.00 (Sour). accas higher ---TARO: OFFERINGS FAIRLY LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 40 lb cartons CR Dasheen (Coco, Islena) med 17.00-21.00 mostly 17.00-20.00 occas higher JM Dasheen (Coco, Islena) lge 69.00-72.00 occas higher 50 lb sacks MX Dasheen (Coco, Islena) lge 24.00-27.00 mostly 24.00-26.00 occas higher NI Dasheen (Coco, Islena) lge 18.00-20.00 occas higher ---TOMATILLOS: OFFERINGS LIGHT. FL 3/4 BUCTNS 19.00-20.00 38-44 lb containers MX 21.00-24.00 occas higher and lower ---TUMERIC: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 30 lb mshsks per lb JM 2.00-4.00 40 lb mshsks JM 70.00-75.00 mostly 72.00-75.00 occas higher ---YAMPI: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. 36 lb cartons CR 55.00 occas higher and lower ---YAMS (NAMES): MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 36 lb cartons CB Hespino 25.00-30.00 mostly 25.00-29.00 occas higher 40 lb cartons CB Blanca 23.00-28.00 mostly 23.00-27.00 occas higher CR Blanca 23.00-28.00 mostly 23.00-27.00 occas higher JM Negro 54.00-58.00 mostly 54.00-57.00 occas higher and lower Yellow 42.00-48.00 mostly 42.00-47.00 occas higher and lower ---YUCA (CASSAVA): MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 37 lb cartons CR 16.00-19.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 occas higher and lower EC 16.00-19.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 occas higher and lower NI 16.00-19.00 mostly 16.00-18.00 occas higher and lower