ATLANTA Terminal Prices as of 08-APR-2019 Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News Federal - State Market News Service, USDA. Phone: (404) 366-2748 Fax: (404) 363-2523 AJ_FV010 Weather at 7:00 a.m. Cloudy 65 Yesterday's high 80 CITRUS FRUITS ---CLEMENTINES: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. flat cartons 10 3-lb mesh bags CA 24 sz 39.50-41.75 mostly 40.50-41.00 occas lower ---GRAPEFRUIT: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 7/10 bushel cartons TX Texas Fancy Marked Rio Star 40s 25.00 56s 19.00 4/5 bushel cartons FL U.S. One Red 40s 21.50-24.00 mostly 22.50-24.00 few 24.75-25.50, occas low as 19.50-20.50 48s 23.00-24.50 mostly 24.00-24.50 few 28.00, few 20.00-22.00 56s 19.50 ---LEMONS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in prices. 7/10 bushel cartons CA Shprs 1st Grade 115s 47.00 few 36.50-43.00 140s 39.50-41.50 mostly 41.50 few 43.00 165s 38.25-41.50 mostly 39.50 few 43.00-44.00 200s 37.00-41.50 mostly 37.50-38.50 few 42.00-43.00, few 34.25 Shprs Choice 115s 31.50-34.50 mostly 32.00-34.50 few 36.00-37.00, few 29.50 140s 33.00-39.50 mostly 35.00-39.50 few 41.50 165s 35.00-38.00 mostly 36.00-37.50 few 41.00-41.50, occas 31.00-33.00 200s 33.00-37.00 mostly 36.00-36.50 few 38.50-1.500, occas lower 235s 31.50-33.50 mostly 33.50 few 34.50-38.50 ---LIMES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 10 lb cartons MX Seedless Type 36s 12.00-13.00 mostly 12.00-12.50 occas higher 48s 12.00-13.00 mostly 12.00-12.50 occas higher 54s 12.00-13.00 mostly 12.00-12.50 occas higher 40 lb cartons MX Seedless Type 150s 38.50-42.50 mostly 38.50-39.50 few 44.00-47.00, few 36.00-36.50 175s 38.50-42.50 mostly 38.50-39.50 few 44.00-47.00, few 36.00-36.50 200s 38.50-42.50 mostly 38.50-39.50 few 44.00-44.50, few 35.00-36.50 230s 38.50-40.00 mostly 38.50-39.50 occas 36.00 ---ORANGES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 7/10 bushel cartons CA Shprs 1st Grade Navel 56s 33.50-39.00 mostly 33.50-36.50 88s 29.00-31.50 mostly 29.00 few 25.25-28.50 Valencia 72s 19.00 113s 21.25-21.50 Shprs Choice Navel 56s 27.00-31.50 few 21.50-26.00 88s 23.00-24.00 mostly 24.00 few 19.50-22.00, occas higher 113s 25.00 occas 18.50-21.50 138s 25.50-26.00 4/5 bushel cartons FL U.S. No. 1 Navel 40s 27.00 few 25.00, occas lower 48s 28.00-29.00 Hamlin 56s 25.00 few 19.50-23.00 80s 21.00-23.00 few 18.00-20.00 100s 24.00 occas 20.25-20.50 125s 14.50-17.50 mostly 16.00-16.50 ---TANGELOS: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. Supplies insufficient to quote. ---TANGERINES: OFFERINGS LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 4/5 bushel cartons FL Honey 80s 39.00-41.00 100s 37.00-39.00 mostly 37.00-37.75 few 41.00, occas lower 120s 31.75-35.00 mostly 32.00-34.50 few 30.00, occas lower 150s 33.00-33.75 few 29.00 Tango 100s 27.50 few 30.00 120s 27.50-30.00 150s 25.00 BERRIES ---BLUEBERRIES: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. flats 12 6-oz cups with lids CL lge 32.00-34.50 MX lge 33.00-34.50 fineappear supplies insufficient to quote ---MISC BERRIES: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. flats 12 6-oz cups with lids GU Blackberries lge 19.00-22.25 mostly 19.00-21.50 MX Blackberries lge fineappear 29.00-31.00 mostly 31.00 ---RASPBERRIES: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. flats 12 6-oz cups with lids CA Red lge fineappear 31.00-34.50 mostly 33.50-34.50 few 25.00-27.00 ---STRAWBERRIES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. flats 8 1-lb containers with lids CA lge-exlge 18.50-21.00 fineappear 24.50-27.00 mostly 26.50-27.00 few 21.50 FL lge-exlge 16.50 occas 13.50 GA lge-exlge 26.00-27.00 mostly 27.00 MX lge-exlge fr cond 13.00 MELONS ---CANTALOUPS: OFFERINGS LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 1/2 cartons GU 9s 16.00-19.75 mostly 17.00 occas 18.75 12s 16.00-17.25 mostly 17.00 few 21.25 HD 9s 17.00 few 19.50-19.75 12s 16.00-17.25 mostly 17.00-17.25 occas higher 24 inch bins FL supplies insufficient to quote ---HONEYDEWS: OFFERINGS LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 2/3 cartons GU 5s 17.00-19.00 mostly 18.00-18.50 few 15.00 6s 15.00-17.00 mostly 16.00 few 13.25-13.50 8s 13.00-14.00 ---WATERMELONS: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. cartons MX Red Flesh Seedless Type 5s 28.00-33.00 mostly 29.00-31.00 Red Flesh Seedless Miniature 6s 15.50-16.50 8s 11.00 24 inch bins FL Red Flesh Seedless Type 35s 225.50 60s 250.00-278.00 mostly 250.00 few high as 335.00 NON-CITRUS FRUITS ---APPLES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. cartons tray pack MI U.S. ExFcy Golden Delicious 100s 30.50 Fuji 80s 30.50 NY U.S. ExFcy Red Delicious 56s 27.00 64s 27.00 100s 27.00 Golden Delicious 72s 37.00 80s 37.00 88s 37.00 100s 35.00 113s 29.00-31.00 mostly 31.00 125s 29.00-31.00 Fuji 72s 31.00 80s 31.00 88s 31.00 100s 31.00 113s 29.00-30.00 125s 29.00-30.00 Gala 88s 31.00 few 37.00 100s 27.00-31.00 mostly 31.00 113s 24.00-25.00 mostly 25.00 Mcintosh 100s 37.00 PA U.S. ExFcy Red Delicious 64s 26.00 88s 26.00 100s 26.00 VA U.S. ExFcy Red Delicious 88s 30.00 125s 25.00 WA WAExFcy Red Delicious 56s 26.75-29.75 mostly 27.75-29.75 few 33.50-36.50 64s 32.50-33.50 occas low as 25.50 fineappear 35.00 80s 31.00-34.50 mostly 34.00 occas lower 100s 26.50 113s 29.00-33.50 few 38.00 125s 28.25-29.00 mostly 29.00 few 33.50-35.50 138s 29.50 Golden Delicious 64s 37.50-40.50 mostly 37.50-38.50 few few high as 43.00 fineappear 45.00-48.50 72s fineappear 43.00-48.50 80s 37.50-39.00 mostly 37.50-38.50 occas 40.50 fineappear 41.00-43.50 mostly 41.50 88s fineappear 41.00-45.75 mostly 41.00-42.50 100s 39.00-42.00 113s 37.50-40.50 mostly 39.50-40.50 few 36.50 fineappear 41.50 125s 37.50-40.50 fineappear 41.50 Fuji 56s fineappear 41.00-43.00 mostly 42.00-43.00 few 45.00 64s 38.50-39.50 few 41.75-43.75, few 34.50, occas 30.25 72s 31.50-33.75 mostly 33.50-33.75 occas 38.50-39.25, occas 26.50-30.00 fineappear 42.00 occas 39.25 80s 33.50-37.00 mostly 33.75-34.50 few 31.50-32.00, occas 29.50 fineappear 41.00-42.00 few 43.00 88s 33.50-35.50 mostly 34.00-35.50 few 37.00, few 29.50-31.50 100s 30.00-33.50 mostly 32.25 few 41.00 113s 30.00 125s 28.25-31.00 occas 32.00-36.25 Gala 56s fineappear 41.00 64s 35.50-38.00 mostly 38.00 few 39.50 fineappear 41.00-43.00 few 47.00 72s 37.50-38.50 mostly 38.00-38.50 occas 40.50-43.50 fineappear 49.50-51.00 80s 36.00-38.00 mostly 37.00 few 40.50, few 33.00 fineappear 39.00-42.00 mostly 41.00 few 47.50, occas higher 88s 33.50-36.50 mostly 36.50 few 37.50 fineappear 43.50 occas higher 125s 27.25-29.25 occas 21.25 U.S. ExFcy Red Delicious 64s 30.75 fineappear 37.00 72s 29.25 80s 27.25 88s 27.25 125s 24.00 few 30.00 Golden Delicious 64s 35.00-36.50 few 38.50 fineappear 41.75-45.00 mostly 45.00 72s 34.00-37.25 few 37.50 80s 34.50-37.50 mostly 35.00-36.00 few 38.50 fineappear 41.75-43.00 mostly 43.00 88s 34.50-37.25 few 38.50-41.00 fineappear 51.00 100s 33.50-36.75 few 27.25-28.00 113s 32.00-34.50 mostly 33.00 few 39.00 125s 30.00-33.00 occas 39.00 Fuji 72s 33.00 few 37.50, few 31.50 88s 27.25-33.00 mostly 29.00 113s 31.00-33.50 Granny Smith 64s 35.00-37.00 mostly 35.50 fineappear 39.00-41.50 mostly 41.00-41.50 72s 33.00-34.00 fineappear 39.75-41.50 few 43.50 80s 40.25-43.50 few 45.50 fineappear 41.50-43.50 88s 33.00-35.00 few 31.50 fineappear 42.75-43.00 100s 38.00-40.50 fineappear 42.50-43.50 mostly 42.50 Gala 56s 33.75-34.75 fineappear 43.00 64s 33.00-35.00 few 29.00-30.50 fineappear 39.00 72s 33.50-36.50 mostly 34.50-35.50 few 29.50 80s 35.00-35.75 few 32.50 88s 29.50-31.75 mostly 31.50-31.75 few 32.50-35.50 100s 29.00-31.00 mostly 29.50-30.50 few 23.50-28.00 113s 28.50-31.00 mostly 29.50-30.50 few 36.00, few 27.50 fineappear 37.00-39.00 mostly 37.00 125s 27.25-31.00 mostly 27.75 fineappear 37.00-37.75 WAFcy Red Delicious 64s 25.00 72s 26.00-28.50 few 25.00-25.75 80s 28.00-31.00 mostly 28.00 88s 28.00-31.00 mostly 29.00-31.00 113s 25.75-28.50 mostly 26.75 few 30.25-31.00 125s 27.50 occas high as 36.00 cartons 12 3-lb film bags NY U.S. ExFcy Golden Delicious 2 1/2" min 30.00-35.00 mostly 35.00 occas 38.50 Gala 2 1/2" min 32.50-35.00 mostly 32.50 few 37.00 2 1/4" min 31.00-33.50 mostly 31.00 few 34.50 PA U.S. ExFcy Red Delicious 2 1/2" min 24.50-26.50 occas 30.50 WA WAExFcy Red Delicious 2 1/2" min 29.25-32.75 mostly 31.00-31.25 2 1/4" min 27.00-29.00 mostly 29.00 Golden Delicious 2 1/2" min 28.75-31.00 occas high as 35.00 Fuji 2 1/4" up 31.00-33.00 few 28.75 Granny Smith 2 1/2" min 33.00 few 37.00 2 1/4" min 25.75-29.00 few 33.00 Gala 2 1/2" min 31.00-35.00 mostly 32.75-35.00 bushel cartons loose PA No Grade Marks Fuji No Size Marks 18.00-20.00 few 22.50 Gala No Size Marks 22.00-24.00 VA No Grade Marks Red Delicious No Size Marks 24.00 few 17.00 Golden Delicious No Size Marks 20.00 Rome 3" min 20.00 ---AVOCADOS: MARKET HIGHER. cartons 2 layer DR Various Greenskin Varieties 24s 42.00 MX Hass 48s 67.50-73.00 mostly 69.50 few 62.00 60s 65.00-67.50 few 73.00 70s 67.50-69.50 occas lower ---BANANAS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 40 lb cartons CB 18.00-19.00 mostly 19.00 CR 18.00-19.00 mostly 19.00 fr qual 15.00-16.00 mostly 15.00 occas lower 40 lb cartons institutional pack CB 19.00-21.00 EC 19.00-21.00 20 lb cartons CB Baby 15.00-15.50 mostly 15.00 ---FRUITS OTHER: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. cartons 1 layer FL Carambola - Star Fruit 20s 19.00-19.50 24s 19.50-21.00 15 lb cartons loose CA Dates Medjool exlge 62.00 16 lb cartons MX Guava sml 24.00 ---GRAPES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 18 lb containers bagged CL Thompson Seedless exlge 33.00-35.00 mostly 33.00 few 37.00-38.00 fineappear 37.00-39.00 mostly 38.50-39.00 lge 33.00-34.00 mostly 33.00 few 30.00-31.25 White Seedless Type lge 32.00-34.50 mostly 33.00-34.50 Red Seedless exlge 33.00-34.00 mostly 33.00-33.50 few 29.00-31.00 lge 28.25-29.00 mostly 28.50-29.00 few 23.00-24.50 Black Seedless lge 31.00-33.00 mostly 31.00 few 35.00, few 26.50-28.00 ---KIWIFRUIT: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. flats 1 layer IT Hayward 36s 12.00-14.00 mostly 13.50-14.00 few 11.50 39s 12.00-14.00 mostly 13.50-14.00 9 kg (19.8 lb) containers loose IT Hayward 27 sz 24.00-25.50 mostly 24.00-24.50 few 31.00 36 sz 23.00-26.50 mostly 24.00-24.50 few 29.00 39 sz 24.00-25.50 few 29.00 ---MANGOES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. flats 1 layer CR Tommy Atkins 6s 9.00-10.50 mostly 9.00-9.75 few 13.00 8s 10.50-12.00 9s 9.00-12.00 mostly 10.00-12.00 10s 10.00-12.00 mostly 11.50 12s 10.00-12.00 few 13.50-13.75 MX Tommy Atkins 10s 13.00 12s 11.50-13.00 Ataulfo 16s 12.00-15.00 few 11.50 18s 12.00-13.00 mostly 12.00 ---NECTARINES: OFFERINGS LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. cartons 2 layer tray pack CL Various Yellow Flesh Varieties 50s 26.00-27.00 60s 21.50-22.50 mostly 21.75-22.25 few 17.50-19.50 ---PAPAYA: OFFERINGS LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 10 lb cartons HI Solo Type Yellow Flesh 9s 28.25-30.00 10s 28.25-30.00 14s 25.00 35-40 lb cartons MX Maradol Type 9s 27.00 few 31.00 12s 27.00 few 30.00-31.00 ---PEACHES: OFFERINGS VERY LIGHT. cartons 2 layer tray pack CL Various Yellow Flesh Varieties 50s 25.50-26.75 19 lb cartons loose FL No Grade Marks Various Yellow Flesh Varieties no sz marked 38.00 8 kg containers CL Various Yellow Flesh Varieties 50 sz 25.00-27.00 few 24.00 60 sz 26.25 ---PEARS: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. Wide range in prices. 4/5 bushel cartons wrapped WA U.S. One Bosc 80s 42.00 few 39.00, occas lower 90s 41.00-42.00 few 39.00, occas lower 100s 38.00-42.50 mostly 39.00 few 31.00 110s 31.00-33.00 mostly 31.50-33.00 few 31.00 120s 32.00-33.00 few 31.00 40 lb cartons wrapped WA U.S. One Bartlett 80s 39.00-42.00 few 27.00- 35.00 90s 35.00-37.50 few 41.00 110s 35.00-37.50 mostly 37.00 120s 37.00-37.50 few 27.00-30.50 D'Anjou 80s 35.00-37.00 mostly 37.00 few 30.50-33.50 90s 34.00-37.00 few 30.50 100s 34.00 few 37.00 110s 34.00-37.00 few 32.75 120s 29.50-32.00 mostly 30.50 few 32.50-32.75 ---PINEAPPLES: MARKET ABOUT STEADY. cartons 1 layer CR golden ripe 5s 14.00 occas higher 6s 14.00 7s 14.00 8s 14.00 ---PLANTAINS: OFFERINGS LIGHT. MARKET ABOUT STEADY. 50 lb cartons CB Green 26.00-28.00 mostly 26.00-27.00 few 28.50-32.00 EC Yellow 26.00-28.00 mostly 26.00-27.00 few 28.50-32.00 GU Yellow 26.00-28.00 mostly 26.00-27.00 few 28.50-32.00 ---PLUMS: Supplies insufficient to quote. ORGANIC BERRIES ---RASPBERRIES: flats 12 6-oz cups with lids CA Red lge fineappear 55.00