RA_LO100 Raleigh, NC Monday April 15, 2019 USDA-NC Dept of Ag Market News Provided by: North Carolina Food Distribution Federal-State Market News Office - Raleigh, NC Phone: 919-707-3156 Internet Address: http://www.ncagprices.org North Carolina Farm-to-School Total Produce Sales Delivered April 08, 2019. Produce is grown, sold, and consumed within the state of North Carolina. Produce has been delivered and on school property for two days prior to price reported. Produce must arrive at school systems receiving points as fresh as possible. COMMODITY CONTAINERS TOTAL ORDERED UNIT PRICE Kale 248 12.00 Collards 308 12.00 Frozen Blueberries 30 24.48 Specifications: No specs available at this time for Kale, Collards or Frozen Blueberries.