Jackson, MS    Wed May 8, 2019    USDA - MS Dept of Ag Market News

Winona, MS - Winona Stockyard
Feeder and Slaughter Cattle Report for Tue May 07, 2019

Receipts     This week    435       Last Week    135

Compared to last week slaughter cows trended Steady to 2.00 lower. Slaughter 
bulls no trend. Feeder steers trended 4.00 to 8.00 Lower. Feeder heifers 
trended 5.00 to 9.00 Lower. Feeder consisted of 55 percent steers and 45 percent 
heifers. Receipts weighing under 600 lbs 46 percent over 600 lbs 27 percent. 
Total receipts were made up of 73 percent feeders, 20 percent slaughter cows
and 7 percent Pairs/Replacements. 

Please Note:
The below USDA LPGMN price report is reflective of the majority of classes and 
grades of livestock offered for sale. There may be instances where some sales 
do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in 
the report. Prices are reported on a per cwt basis, unless otherwise noted.

    Slaughter Cows:
                Weight (lbs)   Pct Lean     Average Dress        High Dress

 Breakers       850-1200       70-80%         0.00 -    0.00     0.00-       0.00
 Boners         850-1200       80-85%        49.00 -   54.00     0.00-       0.00
 Lean           850-1200       85-90%        43.00 -   48.00     0.00-       0.00
 Lean           750-850        85-90%        35.00 -   40.00     0.00-       0.00
 Lean           under750       85-90%         0.00 -    0.00     0.00-       0.00

    SLAUGHTER BULLS:  Yield grade 1-2  1000-1500 lbs 75.50-87.75; 
1500-2000 lbs 73.00-83.00.

    FEEDER STEERS:  Medium & Large 1-2  
350-400 lbs 159.00-168.00; 400-500 lbs 153.00-161.00;
500-600 lbs 141.00-151.00 8 @ 508 lbs 157.50; 
600-650 lbs 133.00-141.00 15 @ 653 lbs 136.50; 17 @ 762 lbs 128.75.

  Medium & Large 3  400-500 lbs 140.00-149.00;
500-600 lbs 126.00-135.00; 600-700 lbs 116.00-126.00.

    FEEDER HEIFERS:  Medium & Large 1-2  
300-400 lbs 136.00-146.00; 400-500 lbs 128.00-137.00; 
500-550 lbs 121.00-127.00 12 @ 557 lbs 126.50; 
17 @ 679 lbs 119; 10 @ 710 lbs 115.50.

    REPLACEMENT & FEEDER COWS:  Medium & Large 1-2 Middle Aged (4-8 yrs) 
935-1405 Lbs 5 months bred 610.00-800.00.

 Source: Mississippi Department of Agriculture & Commerce - USDA Market News Service
         Jackson, MS   Michael Lasseter, Market Reporter, (601) 359-1159
 0900c  ml