RA_PY002 Raleigh, NC Wednesday, January 09, 2019, USDA-NC Dept of Ag Market News N.C. BROILER-FRYERS: The market is steady, and the live supply is adequate to meet the moderate demand. Average weights are heavy. The estimated slaughter for Wednesday in North Carolina is 3,252,000 head compared to 3,136,000 head last Wednesday. ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BRL/FRYS. IN NC: FEDERAL-STATE Estd. Actual Avg. Wts. Actual Avg. Wts. 01/09 01/07 01/07 01/02 12/31 3,252 2,937 8.58 3,136 8.07 SOURCE: North Carolina Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Raleigh NC Stephen Beasley 919-707-3107 www.agr.state.nc.us/markets/mktnews/RA_PY002.txt 0930e