LM_XL555,,,, "St. Joseph, MO",,12/7/2018,,USDA Market News ,,,, NATIONAL WEEKLY,COMPREHENSIVE LAMB,CARCASS REPORT,, ,,,, Combined Negoti,"ated, Formula and Fo",rward Contract sales,, for delivery wi,thin 14 calendar day,"s, FOB Plant basis.",, ,,,, *Items with no,entries indicate non,-reportable trades.*,, ,,,, CHOICE AND PRIM,"E, YG 1-4","Head 3,410",, ,,,, Weight,Head,Wt Avg,, 45-DN,142,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 45-55#,134,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 55-65#,265,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 65-75#,903,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 75-85#,"1,170",*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 85-UP,796,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, ,,,, CHOICE AND PRIM,"E, YG 5",Head,, ,,,, Weight,Head,Wt Avg,, 45-DN,,,, 45-55#,,,, 55-65#,,,, 65-75#,,,, 75-85#,,,, 85-UP,,,, ,,,, CERTIFIED FRESH,AMERICAN LAMB,Head,, ,,,, Weight,Head,Wt Avg,, 45-DN,0,,, 45-55#,0,,, 55-65#,0,,, 65-75#,0,,, 75-85#,0,,, 85-UP,0,,, ,,,, UNGRADED,,Head 165,, ,,,, Weight,Head,Wt Avg,, 45-DN,34,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 45-55#,31,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 55-65#,41,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 65-75#,34,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 75-85#,13,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, 85-UP,12,*Price not reported due to confidentiality*,, ,,,, *For more infor,"mation, please visit",www.ams.usda.gov/ConfidentialityGuidelines*,, ,,,, Source: USDA Li,"vestock, Poultry & G","rain Market News Division, St. Joseph, MO",, 816-676,-7000 email: stj,oe.lpgmn@ams.usda.gov,, www.ams,.usda.gov/market-new,s/livestock-poultry-grain,, ,,,, 1600C,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, .,,,,