MP_CN100 22-Feb-19 QUALITY OF COTTON CLASSED UNDER SMITH DOXEY ACT Volume 60, No. 30 NUMBER OF SMITH-DOXEY SAMPLES CLASSED, BY CLASSING OFFICE, WEEK AND SEASON ENDED February 21, 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classing Office Week Season -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPLAND Abilene 58,209 1,143,559 Corpus Christi 6,272 1,776,671 Dumas * - 1,393,173 Florence 4,001 1,250,362 Lamesa 17,969 858,341 Lubbock 26,241 3,356,000 Macon 24,708 2,526,559 Memphis 17,702 3,026,922 Rayville 3,909 530,871 United States - - Visalia 17,294 586,407 United States 176,305 16,448,865 Percent tenderable 48.7 64.9 AMERICAN PIMA Visalia 19,724 732,768 United States 19,724 732,768 United States all cotton 196,029 17,181,633 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Data withheld to avoid disclosure of individual gin. THIS REPORT CAN BE OBTAINED VIA THE WORLD WIDE WEB: Contact: Cotton Program, Market News Branch Phone: 901 384-3016 Fax: 901 384-3036 E-Mail: