MP_CN100 04-Jan-19 QUALITY OF COTTON CLASSED UNDER SMITH DOXEY ACT Volume 60, No. 23 NUMBER OF SMITH-DOXEY SAMPLES CLASSED, BY CLASSING OFFICE, WEEK AND SEASON ENDED January 3, 2019 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classing Office Week Season -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPLAND Abilene 61,084 603,692 Corpus Christi 8,752 1,712,644 Dumas 38,538 1,333,294 Florence 31,234 1,149,938 Lamesa 64,459 611,146 Lubbock 283,769 2,515,742 Macon 125,438 2,031,673 Memphis 36,975 2,865,531 Rayville 13,569 487,601 United States - - Visalia 30,866 369,909 United States 694,684 13,681,170 Percent tenderable 62.7 67.0 AMERICAN PIMA Visalia 36,323 499,711 United States 36,323 499,711 United States all cotton 731,007 14,180,881 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Data withheld to avoid disclosure of individual gin. THIS REPORT CAN BE OBTAINED VIA THE WORLD WIDE WEB: Contact: Cotton Program, Market News Branch Phone: 901 384-3016 Fax: 901 384-3036 E-Mail: