MP_CN100 14-Dec-18 QUALITY OF COTTON CLASSED UNDER SMITH DOXEY ACT Volume 60, No. 20 NUMBER OF SMITH-DOXEY SAMPLES CLASSED, BY CLASSING OFFICE, WEEK AND SEASON ENDED December 13, 2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classing Office Week Season -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPLAND Abilene 81,346 392,056 Corpus Christi 28,108 1,673,673 Dumas 82,167 1,210,755 Florence 96,497 1,020,622 Lamesa 78,228 425,755 Lubbock 317,350 1,701,873 Macon 175,725 1,637,567 Memphis 183,095 2,653,637 Rayville 24,572 446,600 United States - - Visalia 51,953 260,638 United States 1,119,041 11,423,176 Percent tenderable 70.0 67.4 AMERICAN PIMA Visalia 42,352 381,927 United States 42,352 381,927 United States all cotton 1,161,393 11,805,103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Data withheld to avoid disclosure of individual gin. THIS REPORT CAN BE OBTAINED VIA THE WORLD WIDE WEB: Contact: Cotton Program, Market News Branch Phone: 901 384-3016 Fax: 901 384-3036 E-Mail: